Arrière-plan sombre avec des accents bleus et des reflets lumineuxArrière-plan sombre avec des accents bleus et des reflets lumineuxArrière-plan sombre avec des accents bleus et des reflets lumineux
Ambeteco Change.log: notes and update information for Ambeteco services and softwareAmbeteco Change.log: notes and update information for Ambeteco services and software


Important notes related to Ambeteco services or website

A comprehensive list of notes detailing Ambeteco's response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The notes below are pinned due to their importance.

Complete restriction of access to all Ambeteco services for users from Russia and Belarus

As a direct consequence of our decision to cease all operations in Russia and Belarus due to the aggression towards Ukraine, we are now implementing additional stringent measures to ensure a complete restriction of access for users from these countries.

Effective immediately, all users from Russia and Belarus will no longer have the ability to access or utilize any Ambeteco products, including the website, software, and services. Users from Russia and Belarus will be unable to log in to their accounts, browse the website, or make use of any Ambeteco software, products, or services.

June 5, 2023

Ambeteco's response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

As a follow-up to our decision to cease all operations in Russia in December 2021, we have now taken the additional step to suspend all sales of Ambeteco products to customers in Belarus. Going forward, customers in Belarus will no longer be able to purchase any Ambeteco products, including acquiring new licenses or renewing existing ones.

All existing licenses for Belarus and Russian customers will remain valid until their respective expiration dates. Once the last license expires, we will completely restrict access to Ambeteco's services for users from Russia and Belarus and permanently delete all user accounts from these countries.

March 7, 2022

Suspension of all sales of Ambeteco products in Russia

In light of the ongoing geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine, we have made the decision to suspend all sales of Ambeteco products to customers located in Russia. As a result, customers from Russia will be unable to purchase Ambeteco products, acquire new licenses, or renew existing ones. All current licenses of customers in Russia will remain valid until their respective expiration dates.

December 14, 2021

Changes related to Ambeteco services or website

Offigneum Kickstarter campaign

We're excited to announce that Offigneum's Kickstarter campaign is now live! Pre-order Offigneum now on Kickstarter: Offigneum's Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign.

July 25, 2024 • New Products

Continuous Updates and Bug Fixes

Our team is committed to continuously improving our products. We regularly update dependencies, fix bugs, and make minor enhancements across all our applications. These ongoing efforts ensure that our users always have access to the most stable and up-to-date versions of our software.

July 20, 2024 • Maintenance

New Products: MacGlacio and Offigneum

We're excited to announce the addition of two new products to our lineup: MacGlacio and Offigneum. These innovative solutions are now featured on our main page, complete with dedicated landing pages, logos, and product images. We've also added a link to the Offigneum's Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.

July 19, 2024 • New Products

Infrastructure and Security Enhancements

We've implemented various backend improvements to enhance the security and performance of our services. This includes updates to our server configurations, improved database management, and strengthened security measures across our platforms.

June 30, 2024 • Security

Continuous Improvement of Our Product Suite

We're constantly working on enhancing our entire product lineup, including MyQuickMac Neo, MyQuickMac Lite, 4-Organizer Ultra, 4-Organizer Nano, and ParityVend. Recent updates include performance optimizations, bug fixes, and feature improvements across these applications.

June 23, 2024 • Product Updates

Enhanced Security Measures

We've upgraded our password protection system. This change significantly improves the security of all user accounts across all our platforms.

June 17, 2024 • Security

Documentation Overhaul for ParityVend

We've completely revamped the documentation for ParityVend. The new documentation features an improved design, enhanced clarity, and better organization. This update aims to provide a more user-friendly experience for both new and existing ParityVend users.

June 10, 2024 • ParityVend

Improved Multi-language Support

We've enhanced our website's internationalization features, ensuring a smoother experience for our global users. This update improves navigation and accessibility for non-English speaking customers across all our product pages.

June 04, 2024 • Localization

Improved Account Management

We've resolved issues related to account-related URLs, ensuring a smoother experience for users managing their accounts, resetting passwords, and performing other account-related actions.

May 28, 2024 • User Experience

Ongoing Performance Optimization

We continue to focus on improving the performance of our applications. Recent updates include dependency upgrades, code optimizations, and infrastructure improvements to ensure a faster, more reliable experience for our users.

May 21, 2024 • Performance

Enhanced Logging and Monitoring

We've implemented improved logging and monitoring systems across our applications. While this change is primarily internal, it allows us to more quickly identify and resolve any issues, ultimately leading to a more stable experience for our users.

May 15, 2024 • Stability

New Article: Purchasing Power Parity for SaaS Startups

We've published a new article discussing the importance of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for SaaS startups. This piece offers valuable insights for businesses looking to expand their global reach and optimize their pricing strategies. Read more about using PPP for SaaS startups.

May 08, 2024 • Content

New Article: Boosting Sales for Digital Products

We've published a new article on our blog offering insights on how to boost sales for digital products such as fonts and books. This guide provides valuable strategies for creators and entrepreneurs in the digital space. Check out our articles on boosting font sales and increasing book sales.

May 02, 2024 • Content

ParityVend Landing Page Optimization

We've updated the ParityVend landing page with improved alt tags for images. This enhancement not only boosts accessibility but also contributes to better search engine optimization for our product.

April 25, 2024 • ParityVend

MyQuickMac Neo Pricing Update

We've made adjustments to the pricing structure of MyQuickMac Neo. These changes are reflected on the product's pricing page, ensuring transparency for our customers.

April 22, 2024 • MyQuickMac Neo

Improvements to ParityVend Login and Registration

Removed the ParityVend banner from the login/register interface and improved functionality for handling countries.

April 19, 2024 • ParityVend

Text Wrapping Improvements

Resolved an issue with text wrapping on the website for better readability.

April 16, 2024 • UI

ParityVend Dashboard Improvements

Enhanced the clarity and user experience of the ParityVend Dashboard.

April 7, 2024 • ParityVend

Security Enhancements

Implemented improvements related to security measures.

April 4, 2024 • Security

New Language Support

Added the French language options to the B2C pages.

March 26, 2024 • General

Microsoft Integration Improvements

Addressed and resolved a temporary issue related to the Microsoft integration.

March 25, 2024 • General

Landing Page Optimizations

Optimized the landing pages for MyQuickMac Neo and 4-Organizer Ultra by using text overlays instead of images for improved accessibility.

March 25, 2024 • UI

ParityVend Documentation Improvements

Made enhancements to the project documentation for better clarity and usability.

March 22, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Documentation Performance Optimizations

Implemented deferred resources loading for improved performance of the ParityVend documentation.

March 22, 2024 • ParityVend

New Article: "Dynamic Pricing Example"

Published a new article titled "Dynamic Pricing Example" providing insights and examples on dynamic pricing strategies.

March 21, 2024 • ParityVend

Fixed email issues related to Stripe

Addressed and fixed problems with emails sent through the Stripe integration.

March 21, 2024 • General

Payment Process Enhancements

Resolved an issue that was causing certain errors on the payment confirmation page.

March 21, 2024 • Payments

Enhancements for International Users

Implemented improvements to support international users and languages.

March 20, 2024 • General

New Article: ParityVend Python Library Launch

Published a new article announcing the launch of the ParityVend Python library.

March 15, 2024 • ParityVend

Launch of the official ParityVend client API library for Python

Get the official ParityVend library now on GitHub and PyPi.

March 15, 2024 • ParityVend

Pricing and Image Handling Enhancements

Integrated new software tools to improve pricing and image handling on the website.

March 11, 2024 • Performance

Security Improvements

Implemented new security enhancements.

March 10, 2024 • Security

Website Design Improvements

Implemented design and user experience improvements across the website.

March 10, 2024 • UI

Website Performance Optimizations

Optimized images and resources to improve website performance.

March 7-9, 2024 • UI

New Article: Country-Based Pricing

Added a new article titled "Country-Based Pricing" to the website.

March 6, 2024 • ParityVend

Website Improvements

Improved website design and functionality for mobile devices. Also enhanced the user experience for the blog section.

February 27, 2024 • UI

New Article: Location-Based Pricing

Added a new educational article about location-based pricing strategies.

February 26, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Dashboard Improvements

Implemented various enhancements to the ParityVend Dashboard, including improved billing information, product labeling, and customization options.

February 24-25, 2024 • ParityVend

Documentation Updates

Updated the product documentation with new information and best practices.

February 23, 2024 • ParityVend

New Article: Shopify and ParityVend

Published a new article explaining how to use ParityVend with Shopify.

February 19, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Discounts and Offers

Updated the available discounts and pricing plans for ParityVend.

February 13-15, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Improvements

Implemented various improvements to ParityVend, including enhancements to user authentication, PWA icons, and added new content about using the product for online courses.

February 9-10, 2024 • ParityVend

Pricing and UX Updates

Updated pricing information and improved the user experience of the ParityVend Dashboard login screen.

February 7, 2024 • ParityVend

PWA Improvements

Enhanced the Progressive Web App (PWA) functionality for ParityVend.

February 6, 2024 • ParityVend

New Article and Discount Codes

Published a new article for ParityVend.

February 5, 2024 • ParityVend

New Article: What is Geo Pricing?

Added a new educational article explaining the concept of geo pricing.

February 2, 2024 • ParityVend

Site improvements and new content

Implemented various website improvements, including fixing broken links, updating sitemaps, adding new articles, and improving navigation.

January 31, 2024 • Website

ParityVend Documentation Improvements

Enhancements made to the ParityVend documentation, including template rendering, privacy policy fixes, updates to robots.txt and sitemaps, and various other improvements related to meta tags, redirects, and canonical URLs.

January 25-27, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Dashboard Improvements

Various enhancements and bug fixes made to the ParityVend Dashboard, including improvements to links, scrollbars, API keys, error handling, debugging, billing information, and general UI/UX updates.

January 23-24, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Release Preparations

Preparations made for the ParityVend release, including integration with the Ambeteco backend and website, privacy policy updates, redirect fixes, warning label additions, and content security policy adjustments.

January 19-21, 2024 • ParityVend

Landing Page Updates

Updates made to the landing pages, including the addition of a new video for the MyQuickMac Neo and 4-Organizer Ultra products, and updates to the MyQuickMac Neo and 4-Organizer Ultra landing pages.

January 18-19, 2024 • Landing Pages

Performance Optimizations

Improvements made to enhance performance, including minification of JavaScript files, and optimization of images.

January 7, 2024 • Performance

ParityVend Dashboard Updates

Updates and bug fixes made to the ParityVend Dashboard, including fixes for broken calls on the demo, title and meta errors, API call improvements, billing API integration, chart interaction fixes, and attempts to set up an ngrok tunnel.

January 3, 2024 • ParityVend

Added ParityVend EULA and privacy policy

Added legal documents for ParityVend, including an EULA and privacy policy.

January 1, 2024 • ParityVend

ParityVend Dashboard: API and billing features

Added an API for fetching stats and billing data. The ParityVend Dashboard is under heavy development.

December 29, 2023 • ParityVend

New article for ParityVend: Geographical Pricing for SaaS

A new article "Geographical Pricing for SaaS businesses" has been released.

December 26, 2023 • ParityVend

ParityVend No-Code integration

Active development of the ParityVend No-Code integration: the No-Code client library is ready.

December 23, 2023 • ParityVend

Added new articles

Added new articles: "PPP for Digital Products" and "How to Increase SaaS Sales." Also improved the UX of articles for better readability.

December 20, 2023 • ParityVend

Added ParityVend API demo

Added a demo for the ParityVend API. You can expeirence this now: ParityVend API Demo

December 15, 2023 • ParityVend

Added ParityVend No-Code Demo

Added a ParityVend No-Code Demo to showcase the platform's capabilities. View it now: ParityVend No-Code Demo

December 14, 2023 • ParityVend

Launched ParityVend landing page and pricing

Launch of landing page and pricing for ParityVend! The pre-orders have been ofically launched! Don't miss the unique chance to get a permanent 25% discount on all your ParityVend billing plans by pre-ordering now.

December 12, 2023 • ParityVend

Launched Christmas sale

A special Christmas sale has been officially launched!

December 9, 2023 • Promotions

Announcing Black Friday sale

The Black Friday discount has been oficially started!

November 16, 2023 • Promotions

Updated download links

The download links have been updated as all installation packages for MyQuickMac Neo, MyQuickMac Lite, 4-Organizer Ultra, and 4-Organizer Nano have been migrated to a new server.

November 18, 2023 • Downloads

Launched Halloween discount

Added a Halloween discount to the website.

October 16, 2023 • Promotions

Migrated to subscriptions for one-month licenses

Shifted one-month licenses to a subscription model. After 6 months of active testing and reseach, we have finally migrated to subscriptions for the 1-month licenses. All new 1-month purchases are now subscriptions. This does not affect existing 1-month licenses.

October 5, 2023 • Billing

Teaser of ParityVend

Announcing Ambeteco's new B2B project: ParityVend - the key to your global success.

October 19, 2023 • ParityVend

Updates to "Our resellers" page

Numerous improvements to the "Our resellers" page aimed at enhancing the user interface and user experience.

September 25 • Website • UI/UX

UX improvements related to the license keys

Performed impressive UX improvements to the license keys activation system to avoid possible confusion associated with the license activation.

September 24 • Website • UX

Minor improvements to the UI

Made minor improvements to the user interface of the website.

September 23 • Website • UI

Mobile optimizations

Performed various optimizations for mobile devices across the website.

September 14 • Website • Mobile

Significant improvements to the FAQ sections

Significantly improved the FAQ sections by providing new and more detailed answers to frequently asked questions.

September 5 • Website • FAQ

Introduction of the unified Discounts page

As the number of Ambeteco Discount Programs increases, we have introduced a unified Discounts page for all Ambeteco Discount Programs. This page enables users to easily access up-to-date information on special offers, discounts, and dedicated programs.

August 31 • Ambeteco Discount Program

UI/UX improvements to the general navigation

Simplified and restructured the website's navigation to improve the user flow.

August 27 • Website • UI/UX

Significant improvements to the after-sales UX

Redesigned the after-sales process to greatly improve the user experience.

August 21 • Website • UX

Improvements to the Product Navigation menu

Implemented general improvements to the Product Navigation menu throughout the website.

August 12 • Website • UI

Stability improvements to the payment system

Made numerous improvements to the payment system to enhance stability and user experience.

August 11 • Website • Stability

Improvements to the Ambeteco Testing Program

Enhanced the Ambeteco Testing Program landing page to provide more detailed information. Additionally, improved the registration form.

August 6 • Ambeteco Discount Program

Introduction of the Ambeteco Opinion Program

Introducing the Ambeteco Opinion Program: a new discount program for Ambeteco customers. Share your opinion and get free access to flagship Ambeteco software.

August 1 • Ambeteco Discount Program

Accessibility improvements

Improved the accessibility of the website to ensure a better user experience for all users.

July 27 • Website • Accessibility

Introduction of the LuxDissolve

Introducing our new product, LuxDissolve: the World's First AI-powered file shredder. Expected to be released in Q4 2023.

July 22 • Products • LuxDissolve

Affiliate portal improvements

Increased the stability of the partner portal for affiliates and resellers.

July 19 • Website • Affiliate

Introduction of the "Coming soon" page

We have added a new page that allows you to track the development process for Ambeteco's new products.

July 17 • Products

Email verification

Enhanced the email verification process to improve security.

July, 11 • Servers • Security

Introduction of the real-time search

Added a real-time search that can be used to quickly and easily navigate through the website. Click on the loupe icon in the navigation bar or in the footer to open the search. Alternatively, press "Ctrl+K" or "Cmd+K" to launch the search. Then, type any queries to get results in real-time. You can use the "Up", "Down", "Enter", and "Esc" keys to control the search for maximum speed.

July 9, 2023 • Website • UX

UX improvements to the navigational menu

Improved the UX of the navigation menu, particularly the exit flow.

July 8, 2023 • Website • UX

Performance improvements to the backgrounds

Improved the performance of the image backgrounds across all the pages of the website. Additionally, on-load animations were added.

July 7, 2023 • Website • Performance

Improvements to the accessibility

Implemented numerous accessibility improvements across all the pages of the website.

July 5, 2023 • Website • Performance

Re-design of the most pages

Added beautiful graphics to most pages to improve the overall design of the website.

July 5, 2023 • Website • Design

Redesign of the download pages

Performed a full redesign of the MyQuickMac Neo, MyQuickMac Lite, 4-Organizer Ultra, and 4-Organizer Nano download pages. Access them below:
Download MyQuickMac Neo
Download MyQuickMac Lite
Download 4-Organizer Ultra
Download 4-Organizer Nano

July 3, 2023 • Website • Design

Ambeteco Testing Program opened for public

Created a public page for the Ambeteco Testing Program where it is possible to send the request to join. Become a part of the Ambeteco Testing Program to try out the newest features of our software before they are released. In return, get access to Ambeteco software for free and exclusive discounts. Access the Testing Program here.

June 29, 2023 • Website • Program

Introduction of the Student Discount program

Now, the Student Discount program is available, which allows students to receive a 30% discount on all Ambeteco software. Access the Student Discount program here.

June 28, 2023 • Website • Program

Added summaries to all policies

Added short summaries for each policy page (EULA, privacy policy, privacy statement, EULA of each software, refund policy, etc.) that provide the most important highlights from the policy in a simple way. Access the main policy page here.

June 28, 2023 • Website • Legal

Bugfix: email confirmation

Fixed the floating bug that some customers may have encountered when confirming the email.

June 28, 2023 • Website • Bugfix

Bugfix: payment cancellation

Fixed the floating bug that some customers may have encountered when the payment process was canceled.

June 27, 2023 • Website • Bugfix

Improvements to the after-sales UX

Significant improvements to the after-sales experience. Now, the relevant download links and instructions are dynamically shown, and the payment completed page has been greatly updated.

June 25, 2023 • Website • UX

Profile page: performance and UX

The profile page has undergone significant improvements. It is now 8 times faster than before. The user experience has also been greatly simplified and improved. The available license options are now more straightforward and dynamically loaded. Additionally, for each purchased license, dynamic download and instruction links have been added. The sorting mechanism has been updated to prioritize relevant licenses. Lastly, the performance of the frontend page has been optimized, providing up to 30% speed gain.

June 24, 2023 • Website • UX

MyQuickMac Lite: Instruction

Fully updated the MyQuickMac Lite instruction and rebranded it according to the Product Center style.

June 20, 2023 • Website • Content

improvements to the Contact Us

Full redesign of the Contact Us page to greatly improve the user experience.

June 19, 2023 • Website • UX

Released MyQuickMac Neo v5.2

Public release of the 5.2 MyQuickMac Neo update. Download MyQuickMac Neo.

May 31, 2023 • Website • Release

Accounts cleaning

More than 3000 accounts have been removed as they used disposable email addresses or were created by automatic bots.

May 15, 2023 • Servers • Security

Raising prices for all software

Raised the prices for all plans of all products. The annual plan now costs $19.99 instead of $9.99. The monthly plan now costs $1.99 instead of $0.99.

May 3, 2023 • Website • Pricing

Introduction of the "Forever" licenses

Starting to roll out the "Forever" licenses for MyQuickMac Neo and 4-Organizer Ultra. The "Forever" aka "lifetime" or "one-time" license has no expiration.

April 4, 2023 • Website • Pricing

Optimization of the landing pages

Optimized all landing pages, the main page now has a 98% performance score, and the program landing pages have a 99% score by PageSpeed Insights. Significant improvements to the speed of all pages of the website - up to 30-40% speed gains.

March 27, 2023 • Website • Performance

Improved Contact Us page

Improved the Contact Us page to enable automatic account confirmation and UX. View the "Contact Us" page here.

March 23, 2023 • Website • UX

Introduction of the "Redeem codes"

Created the alternative license retrieval system, "Redeem Code", that allows users to enter a "license key" and automatically receive the relevant license to their Ambeteco account. This system will be the auxiliary way to simplify giveaways and third-party sales.

March 14, 2023 • Website • License

Created a "Where to buy" page

Created a "where to buy" page that lists authorized partners and resellers of the Ambeteco software. View "Where to buy" page here.

March 13, 2023 • Website • Improvements

Significant performance improvements

Significant improvements to the performance of all software products: up to 4x speedup can be expected.

March 7, 2023 • Servers • Performance

File Sort AI: Enormous performance improvements

Enormous improvements to the performance of File Sort AI: now, the sorting speed of File Sort AI has reached 1,600,000 files p/h instead of 400,000 files p/h.

March 6, 2023 • Servers • Performance

Security improvements

Improved the security of all pages of the website.

February 21, 2023 • Website • Security

Accessibility improvements

Significant improvements to the accessibility of all pages of the website.

February 20, 2023 • Website • Accessibility

Login system UX improvements

Improvements to the UX of the authentication system.

February 17, 2023 • Website • UX

Significant performance improvements

Significant improvements to the performance of all pages of the website. Up to 30% speed gains can be expected.

February 13, 2023 • Website • Performance

Bugfix: email verification

Fixed the floating bug related to the verification of emails in the software.

February 10, 2023 • Servers • Bugfix

Improvements to the Machine Manager

Improved the OS and CPU names in the Machine Manager tool.

January 26, 2023 • Website • improvements

Raising prices for all software

Raised the prices for all plans of all products. The annual plan now costs $9.99 instead of $4.87.

January 16, 2023 • Website • Pricing

Performance improvements

The license system has been optimized, and now it is 40% faster. All load time of the software products became significantly less.

January 2, 2023 • Website • Performance

Pages performance improvements

Optimized all images of the website. Approximately 25% speedup can be expected.

December 30, 2022 • Website • Performance

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